Peer, Youth, & Family Support


Peer, Youth, & Family Support

Peer, Youth, and Family Support is a system that includes trained professionals, paraprofessionals, and certified specialists who work together with individuals, youth, and families to address their challenges. Our support specialists use a strengths-based, family-centered approach to build on the strengths and resilience of individuals and families.

Peer, Youth, and Family Support Specialists provide information, emotional support, and practical assistance to help the individual or family navigate the healthcare system. This includes helping them access services and resources, make informed decisions, and advocate for themselves or their child’s best interests.

At RHS our programs are designed to complement and supplement the care provided by healthcare professionals. Our support specialists in Idaho Falls and surrounding areas work collaboratively with members of a care team to optimize the health and well-being of adults, children, and families.


Peer Support Specialist

Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSS) have experienced a mental illness and recovery, making them well positioned to support others who are seeking recovery. Peer Support Specialists offer hope and encouragement by sharing their experiences and knowledge. They create opportunities for individuals to live satisfying and meaningful lives. Also, these specialists will encourage, motivate, and support goals for recovery. In many cases, Peer Support Specialists work hand in hand with CBRS and Case Management services.

Youth Support Specialist

A youth peer support specialist (YPSS) works with young people transitioning to adulthood, who are usually involved in a child-serving system (e.g., foster care, mental health) or experiencing a unique challenge. YPSSs are typically close in age with the young people they work with. YPSSs use their own lived experience with mental health and child-serving systems to relate and engage with the youth they serve. In their work together, YPSSs help youth to identify goals and advocate for themselves.

Family Support Specialist

Family Support Specialists (FPS) work with families with a child experiencing emotional, behavioral, and/or mental health challenges. A Family Support Specialist is someone who has first-hand experience in the complex tasks of collaborating with schools, physicians, therapists, and community resources. Having “lived the experience” and received specialized training these unique specialists are poised to show the family the ropes and help make the journey easier.

Who Is It For?

These services are available to anyone who is struggling with addiction or mental health issues, or families with a child who is experiencing mental health challenges. They can provide invaluable support for those who are working to overcome these obstacles. Our services can help individuals connect with resources, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and build positive relationships.

Furthermore, these services can also provide vital support for family members and friends who are struggling to cope with a loved one’s addiction or mental health issues. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction or mental health issues, consider reaching out to us.

What are the benefits?

  • For individuals, these services can provide much-needed support and assistance in times of crisis. For example, this can include referrals to the local youth or adult crisis center. In addition, these services can also help to build social and emotional skills and guide in dealing with difficult life transitions.
  • For families, these services can offer respite care, help with parenting skills, and support in managing stress and anxiety. For example, this can include referrals to school programs and other community resources. In addition, these services can help to strengthen family bonds and improve communication.

Rehabilitative Health Services provides Peer, Youth, and Family Support services in Idaho Falls and surrounding areas. If you or someone you know could benefit from our services, please reach out at (208) 523-5319. We would be happy to discuss how we can help you or your loved one get on the path to recovery.

We are here to help, contact us today!

Call (208) 523-5319

Contact Us

1675 Curlew Dr.
Idaho Falls, ID 83406

Email: [email protected]

Billing: [email protected]